Tired of living life limited by your symptoms?

Let's uncover what's holding you back from wellness and fix it so you're free to get back to life!

Tired of feeling stuck in the same cycle of symptoms?

Let's uncover what's holding you back from wellness and fix it so you're free to get back to life!

Feeling defeated by your health symptoms?

If you're at your wit's end, and not sure where to turn to get relief, you're in the right place.

I'm here to help you break free of your symptoms, find lasting relief, and get back to life, and I'll do that even when nobody else has been able to help.

You're finally in the right place, and relief is possible. Let's get you back to living life free from your symptoms.

Are you struggling with...

  • throbbing migraines

  • being exhausted in the afternoon... and wide awake at bedtime

  • waking up between 1 am and 3 am wired

  • weight gain that keeps on building no matter what you do

  • infertility (no periods, irregular periods, PCOS)

  • night (and day) sweats that make you wonder whether spontaneous combustion is real

  • chronic UTI symptoms (or dealing with a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis)?

And you're tired of:

  • being dismissed by your doctors

  • taking a bunch of supplements that don't seem to be doing anything

  • feeling frustrated and helpless

I've been there...

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist and health coach.

For years, I was really sick (at my worst, struggling with chronic UTI, migraine, fatigue, weight gain, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and PCOS all at once!).

While chasing UTI symptoms, something really scary shook me to my core and in that moment, I finally listened to the still small voice inside speak...

"If you want out of this Brandy, you've got to get to the root of the problem. Quit wasting time chasing symptoms."

Once I started asking "WHY?" the key I'd been desperately searching for fell into my hands, and I realized...

I was struggling with metabolic distress due to imbalance in three unlikely hormones.

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist and health coach.

For years, I was really sick and had to beg for tests to be done until finally someone listened. That someone was me,… I finally heard the voice inside me speak very clearly, if I wanted out of this, I had to do it for myself.

Once I decided to step fully into my power as the owner of my health, something nothing short of a miracle happened. The one missing piece I’d been searching for revealed itself.

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist and health coach.

When I stopped hormonal birth control, I was walloped with a whole bunch of symptoms all at once.

  • Migraine

  • Fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Period problems

As bad as all those were, they didn't hold a candle to the worst set of symptoms I was experiencing: urinary urgency, burning while peeing, cloudy pee, weird smelling urine (aka UTI symptoms)

Over the next year and a half (18 months, about 540 days), I suffered with all these symptoms.

Despite seeing over 20 different specialists (Ayurveda practitioners, Traditional Chinese Medicine gurus, naturopaths, functional medicine practitioners, and specialists), nothing was really changing. I was still struggling and unwilling to admit I'd let myself be steered wrong by medical gaslighting.

It wasn't until something really scary shook me to my core that I finally listened to the still small voice inside, and it was saying...

If you want to get well once and for all Brandy, you've got to get to the root of the problem. Right now, you're just chasing symptoms.

Even though I'm a research scientist, I'd been reining myself in trusting the doctors and specialists to know more than me about what was really causing my symptoms. But, when I finally listened to that still small voice, things changed.

When I decided to look to myself to find relief from my symptoms, the universe rewarded me by revealing the one key piece I'd been desperately seeking for years. Over the next few weeks, as I started focusing on that one key piece, my symptoms started slipping away just as quickly as they showed up.

I kept asking why, digging deeper until I struck gold, and found the root cause of all my health symptoms

Once I discovered the root cause, I started trailblazing my way back to wellness. Even with many unexpected twists and turns, I was confident I was onto something because I was getting such relief! Imagine how happy I was to finally:

  • Break free of UTI symptoms

  • Escape chronic fatigue

  • Reduce the frequency (and severity) of migraines

  • Drop that stubborn extra weight and start fitting into my clothes again

  • Bid good riddance to mood swings and reclaim my cycle!

My relief was so profound I made it my mission to help other women get to the bottom of their health issues and reclaim life!!!

As I've worked with more and more women, I developed a simple way back to wellness, one that gives reliable results helping you get rapid relief from your most troubling symptoms and creating momentum for you to fully shake off the shackles of health symptoms and step fully and freely into vitality.

"I have had more energy, fewer sugar cravings, cramps that are much more manageable and tolerable, and absolutely zero UTIs. I feel like my body is my own again. Brandy knows her stuff and I'm overjoyed to have her as a resource!"


"My life has changed overnight! I can sleep through the night, there's less hot flashes, and I feel like waking up in the morning."


What was causing all those symptoms?

What I discovered on my own healing journey is that there's one fundamental reason why I was dealing with this storm of symptoms. The more I worked with other women, the more it confirmed for me that this one thing is at the root of all disease and all symptoms.

It's only because each one of us is unique that we express different symptoms and different diseases when this one thing goes out of balance.

What's the one thing? Find out in the video below.

How it works

All the programs you'll find here are based on three principles

  • Hormone Reset (Restoring the Hormone Lattice):

    As I started working with clients, I realized that each one of them were struggling with one key hormone imbalance. And, even when estrogen and progesterone levels were wildly off, it was merely a symptom of the real imbalance.

    For each woman who's sought my help, at least one of three key hormones was out of balance, and to build resilience back into their bodies quickly, we focused on re-aligning those 3 key hormones creating structure and space for all other hormones to shift back into balance.

  • Nervous system regulation (Soma syncing):

    When you're locked into a state of fight-or-flight (knowingly or unknowingly), the body struggles to perform basic functions necessary for life. I work with clients to expand their capabilities to switch from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest creating a safe space within the body so it's able to turn attention to repair and recovery.

  • Self healing (breathwork, lymphatic drainage, biomarker monitoring, and more):

    You'll discover how to support and maintain your new-found state of wellness and continue your healing journey with a few simple daily rituals.

Conditions Addressed

Women typically find me when they're struggling with one of these...

This is why I started health coaching.

I healed my own chronic UTIs (after 18 months of relentless symptoms) and have helped other women break free of chronic UTIs and IC.

It took 2 years before I was able to find a doctor to order the right labs to diagnose Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

It took 6 years to find a doctor who knew how to treat it. I work with women to spare you the same frustrations and get a diagnosis and proper treatment faster!

Dysregulated cortisol is one of the primary factors in autoimmune conditions, migraine, fatigue, weight gain, and generally feeling miserable.

It also goes hand-in-hand with thyroid dysfunction. I work with women to re-establish healthy cortisol levels, which allows adrenal recovery.

Problems with reproductive hormones & the menstrual cycle are typically among the first symptoms of metabolic distress.

As we work to repair your metabolism, a healthier pain-free cycle's a common (& welcome) side effect 🙂.



UTI Freedom Formula

Break free of chronic UTIs in just 14 days

  • UTI Freedom Formula Workbook ($250 value)

  • Cheat sheets with the full list of essentials needed to break free of chronic UTIs for good ($97 value)

  • Daily action steps to break the chronic UTI cycle ($1497 value)

  • Beyond UTI Coaching Session ($500 value)

This program's designed to be the last thing you'll ever need to break the cycle of chronic UTIs.

IC Relief

Put interstitial cystitis in the rear-view!

  • IC Relief Workbook ($500 value)

  • Cheat sheets with the foods to avoid and essential nutrients needed to break free of interstitial cystitis for good ($297 value)

  • Daily action steps to break free of the constant need to pee ($2497 value)

  • Resources to retrain the bladder-brain connection ($97 value)

  • Beyond IC Coaching Session ($500 value)

The 5th Chakra

How to figure out whether undiagnosed low thyroid's causing your symptoms

  • Is it your thyroid?: Take this quiz to discover the many ways thyroid dysfunction shows up as health symptoms ($27 value)

  • Must have labs for properly detecting thyroid dysfunction (priceless... I've spent over $2,000 in pointless tests and biopsies before finding a doctor who knew what labs to order to detect thyroid dysfunction)

  • What to eat and what to avoid for optimal thyroid health and symptom relieve ($97 value)

  • Bonuses: Why healing your adrenals is essential for healthy thyroid function ($240 value)


UTI Freedom Formula

Break free of chronic UTIs in just 14 days


  • UTI Freedom Formula Workbook ($250 value)

  • Cheat sheets with the full list of essentials needed to break free of chronic UTIs for good ($97 value)

  • Daily action steps to break the chronic UTI cycle ($1497 value)

  • Beyond UTI Coaching Session ($500 value)

This program's designed to be the last thing you'll ever need to break the cycle of chronic UTIs.

IC Relief

Put interstitial cystitis in the rear-view!


  • IC Relief Workbook ($500 value)

  • Cheat sheets with the foods to avoid and essential nutrients needed to break free of interstitial cystitis for good ($297 value)

  • Daily action steps to break free of the constant need to pee ($2497 value)

  • Resources to retrain the bladder-brain connection ($97 value)

  • Beyond IC Coaching Session ($500 value)

The 5th Chakra

How to support your thyroid for hormonal balance & optimal wellness


  • Hormone quiz: discover the many ways thyroid dysfunction shows up as symptoms ($27 value)

  • Must have labs for properly detecting thyroid dysfunction (priceless... I spent ~$2,000 over 2 years in pointless tests and biopsies before finding a doctor who knew what labs to test)

  • What to eat and what to avoid for optimal thyroid function ($97 value)

  • The ins and outs of thyroid health ($360 value)

  • Bonuses: Why healing your adrenals is essential for healthy thyroid function ($240 value)


From Fine to Fabulous | Reclaim your health & vitality

Tired of living life limited by your health symptoms? In this 3-month one-on-one intensive, you'll get:

  • Instant relief from your most nagging symptoms

  • A complete overhaul of your body to restore resilience and vitality

  • Fine tuning all systems and re-balancing all hormones to set you up for continued healing and wellness after our time together

Rapid Relief Call

Feeling disappointed with the lack of results from other health coaches, naturopaths, functional medicine practitioners, and health gurus?

Schedule your call to:

  • Identify what's really causing your symptoms

  • Get insight on ways to overcome your symptoms and get rapid relief

One-on-One Coaching

6-month One-on-One Coaching ($7550 value)


  • a full review of all your lab work ($1600 value)

  • 1 goal setting session (60 minutes, $500 value) to prioritize your health goals

  • 1 strategy session (60 minutes, $750 value) to build your wellness roadmap

  • 12 coaching calls (30 minutes each, $3000 package value)

  • real time email & Voxer support in between sessions for 8 months ($1600 value)

Breakthrough Call ($250 value)


Book your breakthrough call and get:

  • Clear about what's really going on with your health

  • Actions to take immediately to support healing

  • Next steps for building your wellness roadmap

Where to start

Is this causing your symptoms?

Discover the secret cause of common health symptoms in this free mini-course. Here's what's inside:

  • Video: What's really causing your symptoms?

  • Must have Labs: What labs are necessary?

  • Body Balance Quiz: What your symptoms reveal about your health and hormones

UTI Freedom Formula

When I was dealing with many symptoms all at once (migraine, fatigue, weight gain, etc.), the symptom constantly on my mind was the need to pee.

When docs started throwing their hands up in surrender, I dug my heels in and refused to live life limited by chronic UTI symptoms.

Determined to find the key to free myself from the UTI cycle, I finally discovered the missing piece... imbalance in 3 key metabolic hormones.

I developed a way to rebalance those hormones to break free of chronic UTIs and then I started helping other women do the same thing.

If you're tired of dealing with chronic UTI symptoms, this is your ticket out.

The 5th Chakra: Is an undiagnosed low thyroid causing your symptoms?

Did you know that thyroid imbalance is a leading cause of many health symptoms and hormonal imbalances including:

  • estrogen dominance

  • low estrogen

  • infertility

  • low progesterone

  • even adrenal fatigue

In this short program, you'll discover why thyroid imbalance is often missed for years before diagnosis, what tests actually reveal a thyroid problem, and how to support optimal thyroid function.

Book your breakthrough

Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Book your breakthrough call with me today. In this session, you'll get clear about:

  • what's really causing your symptoms

  • the steps to take right now to get relief

  • how to support your body in maintaining long-lasting relief for optimal wellness

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