Chuck the cranberry juice, ditch the mannose, and say adios to the antibiotics because...

it's time to break the cycle of chronic UTIs

Chuck the cranberry juice, ditch the mannose, and say adios to the antibiotics...

This is the last thing you'll ever need to break the cycle of chronic UTIs

Are you experiencing UTI symptoms that seem to be worse certain times of the month?

Seeing negative standard urine cultures, but your symptoms beg to differ?

Are you seriously considering (or have already tried) advanced micro-infection testing to detect embedded UTIs?

Or, are you panicking because your doctor mentioned it might be interstitial cystitis (aka painful bladder syndrome)?

I've been there.

I developed my 1st ever UTI when I stopped hormonal birth control.

It took:

  • 18 months of misery

  • 5 healthcare practitioners

  • Too many antibiotic prescriptions to remember

  • Falling down the rabbit hole of chasing micro-infections

For me to discover the real reason why I was experiencing those symptoms...

and it had nothing to do with infection

For a year and a half straight, I felt like I had to pee most of the time.

It also burned when I peed, my pee was cloudy, and it smelled weird (sickeningly sweet, fruity). Because I'm a research scientist who's worked with solvents, I know what acetone (a ketone) smells like.

My pee had a whiff of acetone to it which made me suspect I was dealing with ketosis (something caused by metabolic distress due to the hormone, insulin, being out of balance).

I told every doctor, naturopath, and healthcare specialist I saw over that 18 months about this weird smell. And, just to be sure they were picking up what I was laying down, I followed up with one of these questions...

“Do you think I may be passing ketones in my urine? Do you think I might be in ketosis?”

Translation “Do you think I might be struggling with an insulin problem?”

Every single doctor pointed to good (enough) blood work and unremarkable urine values, outright dismissing the notion that I might have an insulin problem.

So, for 18 months, I suffered needlessly with chronic UTI symptoms as I shut down my inner guidance simply because my doctors reassured me otherwise. It wasn't until after I'd started chasing micro-infections (something women commonly do when the standard urine cultures fail to find infection) that I finally listened to my intuition.

It happened when the specialist I was seeing handed me a 28-day supply of an incredibly powerful antibiotic. As I sat looking at the prescription paper in disbelief pretty convinced an antibiotic that powerful for that long would kill me, I finally heard the voice inside say "You realize you're practicing the definition of insanity, right?"

That was the line in the sand. Leaving the prescription paper crumpled up in the trash, I vowed to figure out what was really causing these symptoms.

Within a week of that decision, the universe provided a sign and my suspicions were confirmed, it was an insulin problem. My body was in metabolic crisis, after all.

It's said knowing the problem's half the battle. In this case, it was like 95% of the battle. I knew how to fix an insulin problem, and I took action the same day switching up diet, lifestyle, and exercise routines and...

Two weeks after that discovery, I was UTI symptom free.

Wondering if this was a fluke that just worked for me, I started reaching out to other women struggling with chronic UTIs. And, I shared my recovery protocol. It wasn't long before testimonials started pouring in from their success!

"I haven't gotten a UTI since!"

"I got 7 UTIs in 9 months. I was missing work, bed ridden, constantly having stomach aches, nausea, and weight gain from taking antibiotics.

I incorporated the changes Brandy recommended and quite literally haven't gotten a UTI since."

- Marisa (New Jersey)

"This fixed my chronic UTI problem!"

"I can't believe it was so easy! These changes are super simple and easy to do, and the best thing? No more UTIs!!!"

- Lynn (North Carolina)

Imagine having a normal life again where you...

  • Could quickly break free of chronic UTI symptoms

  • Didn't constantly have to pee

  • Weren't afraid to go to sleep at night without worrying about peeing on the bed

  • Didn't have to stock the pantry with 18 bottles of cranberry juice?

  • Didn't brace yourself for the burn when you pee

  • Didn't have to take another round of antibiotics

  • Never had to be lectured on good feminine hygiene by the nurse at the walk-in clinic again

The UTI Freedom Formula

A 14-day intensive that shows you how to break free of the chronic UTI cycle for good.

This is your roadmap to reclaiming a UTI free life!

The UTI Freedom Formula

A 14-day intensive that shows you how to break free of the chronic UTI cycle for good.

This is your roadmap to reclaiming a UTI free life!

Inside this intensive you'll discover:

  • The one thing that’s keeping you in the chronic UTI death spiral

  • How to get immediate relief from chronic UTIs

  • How to balance the 3 key hormones necessary for a thriving metabolism to get lasting relief from chronic UTIs

  • Bonus content for repairing the bladder-brain connection for sustained relief

In case you're thinking

  • "This is eventually going to work itself out on its own"...

  • "I want to try more rounds of antibiotics"...

  • "My standard urine culture's are negative now (so that's progress, right?)"...

  • "But we've found a micro-infection, so I'm getting that treated"...

  • "I'd really rather keep working with my doctor"...

here's how life with chronic UTIs goes for most women...

Outcome 1: Chasing embedded infections

Once the standard urine cultures start returning negative, it's really common to fall down the rabbit hole chasing micro-infections aka embedded infections. This usually leads to rounds and rounds more of antibiotics without lasting relief. This is the rabbit hole I fell down.

Outcome 2: Diagnosis of interstitial cystitis

Women diagnosed with interstitial cystitis live out life limited by UTI symptoms and get mild relief at best with invasive procedures and surgeries.

There's another way, there's a better way, there's a much healthier way to break the cycle of chronic UTIs. and you can put this all in motion with the exact framework I used to live life normal again.

Learn all of my secrets in...

UTI Freedom Formula

The last thing you'll need to break free of chronic UTI symptoms for life.

This intensive gets to the root of what's causing your chronic UTI symptoms and shows you how to fix it.

When you focus on fixing the root cause of chronic UTIs, the symptoms go away with ease.

The UTI Freedom Formula

How to break free of the chronic UTI cycle

This intensive gets to the root of what's causing your chronic UTI symptoms and shows you how to fix it.

When you focus on fixing the root cause of chronic UTIs, the symptoms go away with ease.

"I was skeptical... I'm so glad I tried this!"

"Endless UTIs had become my dreaded norm, dragging down my mood and my overall well-being. I was skeptical at first, but decided to try Brandy's recommendations.

To my surprise, I've been UTI-free for the past eight months. Her simple yet effective approach has been a game-changer for me!"

- Sam (Colorado)

"helped me get relief from UTIs during pregnancy!"

"During my pregnancy, I started getting UTIs. I was miserable! I really didn't want to take antibiotics for fear it might hurt my baby and was hesitant to take the over-the-counter medications too.

I'm so glad I found Brandy. I was at my wit's end with urinary urgency and this helped me get relief! Highly recommend!"

- Anna (Massachusetts)

Disclaimer: This intensive is intended for people with chronic UTI limited to the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra). A UTI that has spread to the upper urinary tract (ureters and kidneys) or is systemic (in the bloodstream) requires immediate medical attention.

Here's what's included in this 14-day intensive:

Cheat sheets:

✅The complete list of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to break free of chronic UTIs

✅The labs actually needed to check for healthy hormone function (and support long-term freedom from UTIs)

Daily emails with:

✅Digestible daily insight

revealing why you're really struggling with UTIs

✅Your daily easy action step

to get you to relief as quickly as possible.

UTI Freedom Formula Workbook ($250 value):

✅A downloadable workbook filled with tips, tricks, and exercises to help you break free of chronic UTIs even faster.

Bonus: Beyond UTI coaching session ($500 value):

✅Before I offered this intensive, I worked with women one-on-one in the Beyond UTI coaching sessions.

Cheat sheets ($97 value):

✅The complete list of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs to break free of chronic UTIs

✅The labs actually needed to check for healthy hormone function (and support long-term freedom from UTIs)

Daily digest emails and 14 daily videos ($540 value):

Digestible daily insight

revealing why you're really struggling with UTIs served up in a quick email (video link included in case that's your preference)

✅Daily easy action step

to get you to relief as quickly as possible.

UTI Freedom Formula Workbook ($250 value):

✅A downloadable workbook filled with tips, tricks, and exercises to help you break free of chronic UTIs even faster.

Bonus: Two Beyond UTI coaching sessions ($1000 value):

✅We'll meet one-on-one to customize your approach to maintain freedom from chronic UTI symptoms for life.

How does this work? Super simple:

Step 1: As soon as you enroll, you'll get your cheat sheets and UTI Freedom Formula Workbook delivered inside your welcome email.

Step 2: Each day for 14 days, you get an email delivered directly to your inbox. It contains a daily digestible insight and your daily action step.

Step 3: Keep doing all your daily action steps. The great news is they're easy to do, and they're easy to remember ('cause I made up memorable acronyms for all of them).

Step 4: Watch your UTI symptoms disappear over 14 days.

Quick. Bite size. Actionable. And easy. It’s that simple.

If it’s so simple, will it actually work?

It’s worked for me. It’s worked for the women I’ve helped. I'm confident it will work for you too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will this work if I've been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis?

A. Can I be honest? My personal opinion of interstitial cystitis (IC) is that it is a cop out diagnosis made when doctors can't explain why you have chronic UTI symptoms and no longer have a positive standard urine culture.

Now, I know there are metrics for diagnosing IC (involving a bladder scope also known as a cytoscopy) to look at the bladder lining and see how messed up it is (how inflamed it is).

I also know there's a school of thought that IC is due to micro-infections diagnosed only through PCR testing... I fell down that death spiral and found no relief.

My heart tells me IC and chronic UTI symptoms are one in the same.

The research I've unearthed supports that statement.

If this is true, this intensive will work for you.

Q. Can I get a refund once I purchase?

A. Due to the nature of The UTI Freedom Formula, there are no refunds. Your welcome email (sent immediately when you enroll) includes enough juicy info to give you instant UTI relief. By day 7 of the intensive, I expect you to be well on your way to complete relief from symptoms. If you aren't? On day 7 of the intensive, you'll get a link to schedule a 1-on-1 call with me and let's figure out why this program's not getting you the relief you expected. On day 14 of the intensive, you unlock your second one-on-one call and we'll talk through how to move beyond any lingering symptoms.

My intention is that UTI Freedom Formula will help you break free from the cycle of chronic UTI, and I'm committed to delivering on that intention.

Q. What if I have an active UTI right now?

A. I don't want to downplay the seriousness of UTIs here.

NOTE: When a UTI spreads to either your bloodstream or your upper urinary tract (so that there's ureter or kidney involvement rather than an infection confined only to the urethra and bladder), those are both medical emergencies and you need medical attention ASAP. This program is not for you if you're struggling with a UTI involving the upper urinary tract or a systemic UTI (one that's spread to your bloodstream).

This intensive is for you when the standard urine cultures start to come back negative.

This intensive's for you when you're in that cycle of round after round of antibiotics.

You're able to start this intensive at any time, whether you're actively experiencing symptoms right now or know they'll return at a different point in your menstrual cycle.

You're also able to start this intensive even if you're taking a course of antibiotics right now.

Q. Do you guarantee I'll get better?

A. If you make the changes recommended in this intensive, I'm confident that you'll break free of chronic UTI symptoms. My success rate so far with clients who have implemented the changes in this intensive and scheduled the day 14 follow-up session is 100% elimination of symptoms.

Q. What if I don't experience UTI relief?

A. I've exhaustively researched the connection between metabolic health and chronic UTI symptoms and I've worked with enough clients as this point to mean it when I say... my intention for this intensive is to be the last thing you ever need to break free of chronic UTI symptoms. And, I fully intend to deliver on that promise.

So, if you aren't seeing results by day 7 or you're still struggling with any lingering UTI symptoms on day 14, you'll get a link to book a free one-on-one Beyond UTI coaching session with me.

In the Beyond UTI coaching session we'll go through step-by-step what you've implemented, what you've noticed, and develop a customized step-by-step roadmap to get you to UTI freedom. I'm that confident this is your way out of chronic UTI misery.

If you've been waiting for a doctor in a white coat to save you... that hasn't happened yet, so why would it happen at all?

Let me (a scientist in a white lab coat) help you instead

When you don't act on this opportunity, here's what's in store. You'll continue to suffer from chronic UTIs. At some point, the standard urine cultures will be negative so you won't even have the temporary relief from a round of antibiotics to help you manage the symptoms.

At that key pivot, you'll either start chasing micro-infections (like I did) or be told a cytoscopy is the next step.

That cytoscopy will likely show damaged bladder walls leading to a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. This diagnosis is basically a life sentence for chronic UTI symptoms.

Here's your chance to rewrite that script

Meet Your UTI Freedom Guide:

I’m Brandy, pharmaceutical research scientist and Health Coach. Better than Fine's a passion project I launched after my own frustrating journey with a full-blown case of "post-pill syndrome".

For 18 months, fatigue, migraine, weight gain, and worst of all chronic UTI symptoms were my constant companions before discovering (on my own) the real reason I was suffering.

My body had gotten used to the extra estrogen and progesterone in the pill, using those hormones as a crutch. When I stopped taking hormonal birth control, my body wasn't able to compensate for that sudden shift so it flipped the metabolic switch... and boy did I pay for it!

Turns out, resetting the switch was easy once I knew what I was dealing with. For the past few years, I've been helping other women reset their metabolic switch to break free of limiting symptoms and get back to life. I know, without question, this is possible for you too.

Disclaimer: Better than Fine (operated by Rain Organica LLC) and the programs provided by Better than Fine are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease and is not intended as a replacement or substitute for medical treatment or advice by a licensed healthcare professional. Complex UTIs (actual urinary tract infections that have spread to the upper urinary tract and/or into the bloodstream) are a medical emergency and require emergency care. The information and opinions expressed on this website, including blog posts, recordings, videos, programs, books, and other site pages are intended for informational purposes only.

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