If you've secretly suspected a thyroid problem's causing your symptoms

and you've been reassured countless times by healthcare practitioners that it's not even though you're still struggling with symptoms...

Then let's take another look at thyroid health through a different lens.

Testing the wrong thing

When a thyroid problem's suspected, most docs order a TSH test.

TSH is made by the pituitary (a gland in the brain) not the thyroid.

This means TSH gives no valuable info on how well your thyroid gland's functioning.

Our society is set up to suppress thyroid function.

Many of us (especially women) are walking around with symptoms of thyroid insufficiency (low thyroid) while being reassured our lab work is fine even though it's not.

The thyroid gland (a butterfly shaped organ at the base of your throat) is especially vulnerable to:

  • environmental toxins: second-hand smoke, car exhaust, pesticides

  • dietary toxins: fluorine/fluoride from treated water, bromine/bromide from baked goods

  • emotional toxins: stress, suppressed emotions

Even worse, symptoms of suppressed thyroid function (hypothyroidism) go undiagnosed for years (okay honestly, decades) before being picked up in lab work.

Why is this?

Most doctors order the wrong lab test to assess thyroid function. Chances are if you've ever had any symptoms of a thyroid problem, your doctor's ordered TSH. TSH is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone. TSH isn't made by the thyroid. It's made by a gland in the brain. It gives no meaningful information on how well your thyroid's functioning.

How do I know this?

I've been there. I chased symptoms for years seeing doctor after doctor secretly suspecting a thyroid problem even though the lab tests were all within the reference ranges.

Finally, a doctor ordered the right thyroid panel. And, you know what? One, just one, of those lab values was out of range.

It was enough to show I was struggling with an autoimmune thyroid condition.

Fast forward a few years and I was struggling with a different set of symptoms because that thyroid condition wasn't well managed from the time I was diagnosed.

It took several more years before finally getting my thyroid lab values back on track, which reversed the symptoms.

While piecing my health back together, I discovered that suppressed thyroid is often the root of many hormonal imbalances including:

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • High cortisol

  • Estrogen dominance

  • Low estrogen

  • Low progesterone and infertility

  • PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

  • Insulin resistance

All of these things are symptoms of an undiagnosed (usually subclinical... meaning lab work is still fine) thyroid problem.

At first I thought, it can't be that simple.

Surely there's not just this one thing that's causing so many people to have so many different symptoms.

Surely not that many doctors treat based on lab values over symptoms.

Surely my own experience was unique.

And, then as I started working with more and more women, the evidence just kept piling up... all of them were struggling with thyroid deficiency. What was really interesting was that even though we were able to make tons of progress by supporting the thyroid in tangible ways (through diet and lifestyle changes), there was a huge emotional element to restoring thyroid function.

Over and over, these women were responding at least as strongly to the emotional work we were doing as they were to the physical work.

Over and over, these women let themselves be handicapped, allowing their own authority over their body, their own inner wisdom and knowing be dismissed by the powers that be. (Even though I'd done the same thing in my own health journey, somehow watching others travel that same path really got under my skin.)

Over and over as they found validation in their intuition as they discovered how to support their thyroid both physically and energetically, their symptoms diminished or disappeared altogether.

So, I decided to create this mini-program. This program's for you if you know there's something more to your symptoms than what you've been assured of. This program's for you if you're tired of medical gaslighting. This program's for you if you want to understand how your body works. This program's for you if you're open to the idea that you are more than matter.

The 5th Chakra: How to support your thyroid for hormonal balance & optimal wellness

Inside you'll discover:

āœ…The many ways thyroid deficiency shows up (even when all your labs are normal)

āœ…How thyroid imbalance disturbs other key hormones (cortisol, insulin, estrogen, and progesterone)

āœ…How to support your thyroid through diet & lifestyle choices

āœ…How to support your thyroid energetically & emotionally


"I have had more energy, fewer sugar cravings, cramps that were much more manageable and tolerable, and absolutely zero UTIs. I feel like my body is my own again."

- Marisa (New Jersey)

"I love how deeply educational Brandyā€™s programs are, while also being easy to understand & integrate."

-Jes (Kansas)

What's inside?

Hormone Assessment Quiz:

āœ…Discover which of your symptoms point to a thyroid problem

4 video modules

($360 value):

āœ…Why low thyroid's often missed on lab tests

āœ…How thyroid causes other hormonal imbalances

āœ…How to support the thyroid with diet & lifestyle choices

āœ…How to support the thyroid with energy practices & emotional healing exercises

Cheat sheets & one page downloads:

āœ…The labs actually needed to check for healthy thyroid function

āœ…The Hormone Lattice: How hormones influence each other

āœ…Things to eat for thyroid health

āœ…Things to avoid for thyroid health


($240 value):

āœ…Video: Why cortisol's often out of balance when thyroid's off

āœ…Video: How to support optimal cortisol levels (not too high or too low)

āœ…Video & downloadable one-page: An overview of my favorite energy healing modalities and ways to support chakral balance

Imagine life in balance

You weren't made to be sick.

You weren't made to live life marginalized by symptoms.

And, it's possible to reclaim wellness.

It's possible to step into your power as authority over your health. You already hold the lantern.

This program gives you the fuel... and a match.

If you're tired of living life limited by symptoms and frustrated with medical gaslighting, this is the tool you've been looking for to take back your rightful place as authority over your health.

How does this work?

Step 1: As soon as you enroll, you'll get your quiz, cheat sheets, and one-page downloads (convenient, easy info at a glance) delivered inside your welcome email.

Step 2: You'll get immediate access to module 1. And, as soon as you move through those contents, module 2 unlocks for you.

Step 3: You'll get reminders and prompts from me. I know how easy it is to get sidetracked with life. I know how easy it is to talk with the next person who's going to dismiss your intuition. I'm showing up in your inbox like a homing beacon to bring you back to this path... the path to wellness.

Why this, why now?

I've spent most of my life (symptoms showed up for me during childhood) suffering from symptoms of low thyroid without a proper diagnosis. Even after I was diagnosed, the docs I was seeing didn't know enough about low thyroid to treat me properly.

It took me putting in the time to figure out all of these things on my own to even know how to find a thyroid literate doctor. And, even after finding that doc, I'm still directing the course of action simply because I know more about this than my doctor does. I'm living it. I'm monitoring hormone levels daily so I know how fluctuations in thyroid hormone impact other hormones in the body real time.

This is the program I wish I'd found 17 years ago. This is the program I wish was available for my mom back when I was growing up.

This is the program I created for you to save you from suffering from the same symptoms that have held you back from fully living life. It's the program I created to save you from the mental and emotional second guessing I went through.

This is the program to show you there's a way back to wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it always a thyroid problem?

So far, I've only seen imbalance in the three key hormones involved in metabolism (the conversion of food into energy). Those three hormones are thyroid, insulin, and cortisol. Thyroid and cortisol are the two most vulnerable to going out of whack first and when one goes, it takes the other one with it.

While this program's heavily focused on thyroid, you'll get access to bonus content on cortisol to support hormonal balance there too.

Even when you don't have any detectable hormone imbalance (rarely have symptoms), what you'll discover here will support your health.

Can I get a refund once I purchase?

Due to the nature of this program, there are no refunds.

I've been told my TSH levels are normal. Can I really still have a thyroid problem?

For me, TSH (a hormone made by a gland in the brain that has no relevance to thyroid function) and the four lab tests for thyroid hormones were all normal and still I was suffering major symptoms of low thyroid.

The only lab test that was out of the reference range in the beginning was one thyroid antibody.

So, yes, it's totally possible to have a thyroid problem when you've been told your lab tests are normal (because chances are high your doc isn't testing the right labs).

Why don't doctors know what lab tests to order?

Most healthcare professionals are trained according to standards that tout TSH as an effective marker of thyroid health.

Thyroid literate doctors know better.

Thyroid patients know better.

Will this fix what ails me?

This program's meant to share key insights necessary for supporting optimal thyroid function and discover what's really necessary to rule out a medical condition (like an autoimmune thyroid condition). Medical conditions typically require intervention with a thyroid literate doctor.

Iā€™m Brandy, pharmaceutical research scientist and Health Coach. Better than Fine's a passion project I launched after my own frustrating journey with a full-blown case of "post-pill syndrome".

For 18 months, fatigue, migraine, weight gain, and worst of all chronic UTI symptoms were my constant companions before discovering (on my own) the real reason I was suffering.

My body had gotten used to the extra estrogen and progesterone in the pill, using those hormones as a crutch. When I stopped taking hormonal birth control, my body wasn't able to compensate for that sudden shift so it flipped the metabolic switch... and boy did I pay for it!

Turns out, resetting the switch was easy once I knew what I was dealing with. For the past few years, I've been helping other women reset their metabolic switch to break free of limiting symptoms and get back to life. I know, without question, this is possible for you too.

Disclaimer: Better than Fine (operated by Rain Organica LLC) and the programs provided by Better than Fine are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease and is not intended as a replacement or substitute for medical treatment or advice by a licensed healthcare professional. Complex UTIs (actual urinary tract infections that have spread to the upper urinary tract and/or into the bloodstream) are a medical emergency and require emergency care. The information and opinions expressed on this website, including blog posts, recordings, videos, programs, books, and other site pages are intended for informational purposes only.

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