Brandy Searcy and Derek in the Wild discuss hypothyroidism on Derek's podcast

is low thyroid causing your unexplained health symptoms?

April 03, 20241 min read

Is a thyroid problem at the root of your symptoms?

Low thyroid causes many symptoms commonly passed off as unexplained or due to other conditions. If you have any of these symptoms, this episode's a must listen.

  • hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain (in other words, menopausal symptoms may in fact be due to low thyroid)

  • rash in weird places

  • hair loss

  • fatigue

  • high blood pressure (when you have impeccable diet and exercise routine)

  • adrenal fatigue

  • heart palps (even A-Fib)... yep, this can be a sign of low thyroid

  • infertility (low thyroid is a leading cause of infertility and PCOS)

Wondering whether you might have a thyroid problem? Take this quiz to find out

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a research scientist and health coach who's outspoken about undiagnosed hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome. I struggled with symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis for 2 years before finding a practitioner who knew what to test for and it took another 6 years of needless symptoms before finding a practitioner who knew how to work with Hashimoto's patients. I'm here to save you from the same frustrations I experienced.

Brandy Searcy

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a research scientist and health coach who's outspoken about undiagnosed hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome. I struggled with symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis for 2 years before finding a practitioner who knew what to test for and it took another 6 years of needless symptoms before finding a practitioner who knew how to work with Hashimoto's patients. I'm here to save you from the same frustrations I experienced.

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