Tired of being gaslit?

If you're done with being dismissed without answers whether from Western medicine, functional medicine, naturopaths, or alternative practitioners, you're in the right place.

I'm Brandy Searcy, a research scientist, and when I decided I was done with all of those paths, I flushed all the myths and misinformation I'd heard along the way and drilled down into the research to get to the root of my health symptoms.

What I found there was that one thing causes every symptom and every disease.

In this mini-intensive, you'll find out what's at the root of your symptoms and discover what to do right now to start getting relief.

I’m Brandy, pharmaceutical research scientist and Health Coach. Better than Fine's a passion project I launched after my own frustrating journey with an autoimmune thyroid condition paired with a full-blown case of "post-pill syndrome".

At my worst, I was struggling with fatigue, migraine, weight gain, night sweats, hot flashes, heart palps, insomnia, and worst of all chronic UTI symptoms. Over the span of a year and a half, I'd seen general practitioners, specialists, Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine healers, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and functional medicine practitioners,... and I was worse than when I started.

Having exhausted all avenues, I decided to figure out how to break free of my symptoms on my own putting my research skills to work and flushing the myths and misinformation I'd heard over the last year and a half.

What I found was that one thing is at the root of every symptom and every disease. One thing. And, when you focus on fixing that one thing, symptoms disappear and health returns. I've made it my mission to help others overcome medical gaslighting, find relief, and reclaim the life they’re here for.

You weren't made to be sick. It's time to reclaim wellness.

Disclaimer: Better than Fine (operated by Rain Organica LLC) and the programs provided by Better than Fine are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease and is not intended as a replacement or substitute for medical treatment or advice by a licensed healthcare professional. Complex UTIs (actual urinary tract infections that have spread to the upper urinary tract and/or into the bloodstream) are a medical emergency and require emergency care. The information and opinions expressed on this website, including blog posts, recordings, videos, programs, books, and other site pages are intended for informational purposes only.

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